From U2's album "The Joshua Tree" song "Where the Streets Have No Name"

            I want to run, I want to hide,
        I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside.
March 25, 2020:

We are on self-imposed lock-down due to the pandemic.  I worry, but so far I have held it together.  Linda is anxious and justifiably so, having had pneumonia four times, a viral respiratory infection is not something to take lightly.  Not being able to see Kade and Reid is a problem for both of us.  We missed Tuesday night supper and not having a small one around to look after one or two days a week makes for some long, lonely days.   So it's latex gloves at the gas station and grocery store because I had bought a a pile of them for painting the walls.  Soon, maybe, masks as well if production can get caught up with demand.  So, as Red Green would say, "We're all in this together. I'm pulling for you.  Keep your stick on the ice."


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