We are sort of getting back to normal but I am still convinced the government plan at the federal level is to have no plan at all.  It seems as though they are going to just let the contagion run it's course even if a couple of million people die.  Yes, couple of million.  Herd immunity is 60 to 70 percent of population.  That's around 190,000,000 to 220,000,000 infections.  At a one percent mortality rate it's going to be 1,900,000 to 2,200,000 deaths.  So much for revering the "sanctity of life".

At any rate, we watched the grandsons yesterday and I got them to slow down a bit and pose for some pictures.

Original Photo

This is how we managed to get them posed.  I don't have a lot of time to fuss about trying to get everything perfect.  The oldest is posing on the saw horse and was not comfortable at all, so I didn't notice his right arm being hidden. He should have been scooched up about thirty centimeters so his head would have been past the end of the horse.  But, I was in a rush because if they lose interest the shoot is over.  The original plan was to have the youngest on the horse but he didn't like it so roles were switched.  Next was to take a background shot to use as the base layer in photoshop.  

Background layer
Once I imported the photos to my computer I opened both in photoshop and made a quick selection of each boy and copied/pasted the images over the background.  Next came a couple of hours of clone stamping in order to eliminate remnants of the stool, saw horse, and background objects and bits and thingies in the yard that were distracting.  Once I was satisfied with all of that I had to add the motion blur.  I opened the filter menu, filter gallery and selected field blur and when the field blur options appeared checked path blur,  and chose rear sync flash instead of basic blur.  from there it was a matter of fiddling with sliders until I got what I wanted.  I had to wait a long time for my laptop to render the blur because the graphics card wasn't up to it, and I had to do the procedure for both boys.  In the end, however, I had almost what I wanted to see from the start.
The Battle of the Titans


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