
Showing posts from August, 2020

Whither Your Soul

    Whither goes your soul? Will you find your only friend? Will you be happy?   A Cemetery on a Hill In Southwestern Pennsylvania
The 150-600 telephoto is a good tool for getting close up photos of insects and other critters.  This is a small collection of dragonfly pictures I took last week.  I generally have the lens and camera mounted on a monopod with a ball head that has the mount plate at a 90° so as to give the lens a gimble actiion.  It takes a bigger monopod to handle the weight of this lens and camera so I have an alumininm Sirui P-204S with an aluminum three footed base (chicken foot).  It isn't quite the same as trucking around a tripiod but it's still a load.  Celithemis eponina or Halloween Pennant Erythemis simplicicollis or Common Pondhawk Erythemis simplicicollis or Common Pondhawk Libellula luctuosa or Widow skimmer Hummingbird Moth    Hemaris Diffinis_Aug 06 2020